K-12 Programming Highlights


Shanti Bhavan Children's Project
As a teaching artist for Artists Striving To End Poverty (ASTEP), Nick taught psychology and non-verbal communication with clowning, mask, and musical theatre. This conservatory-like program involved ages 5-15.
Facilitated and directed this devised theatrical piece with 100 children using musical theatre songs, classical Indian dance forms, puppetry, mask, and clown skills.

New York Public Schools
Bushwick High School
As a teaching artist for Artists Striving To End Poverty (ASTEP), Nick designed curriculum for/and taught general education using interdisciplinary arts integration.
Everyday People
Facilitated and directed this devised theatrical piece with 30 High Schoolers. It explored the strength in diversity while sharing cross-cultural commonalities.
Don't Worry Be Happy
Facilitated and directed this devised theatrical piece with 30 Middle Schoolers. It explored common fears of moving to a foreign country while expressing gratitude for the strengths woven into their cultures.

Teach For India
The MAYA Project
The MAYA Project
This two-year conservatory musical theatre training involved collaborative arts-integration with teachers in the classroom as well as after-school rehearsals. As Producing Artistic Director, this involved curriculum development, teacher PD, managing a 10 person teacher cohort, weekly community visits, community-based arts performances, scheduling 4 synchronous rehearsal spaces and schedules, and more.
The resulting FIND YOUR LIGHT literature curriculum is now used in every Teach For India classroom.
MAYA: The Musical
Director/Co-Playwright/Choreographer of this World Premiere musical, starring 100 children, that toured India. It explored human rights issues of gender equality, clean water, educational equity, and more.
Nick also served as Producer/Musical Director of the Original Cast Album
Book co-written with Broadway’s David Goldsmith (MOTOWN:The Musical)
Music: Mary Mitchell Campbell, Rona Siddiqui, Lynn Shankel, Georgia Stitt, James Sasser, Tim Rosser, and others
Costumes and Sets co-designed with Simi Nallaseth (ICE AGE)
Over 100 Masks/Puppets (Tony Fuemmeler) and 200 Costumes
MAYA: The Musical filmed and aired on TATA SKY in Fall 2014

Transcendence Theater Company
Artistic/Education Associate
Program Director of Education Program
@ Transcendence Education
@ Fantastical Family Night Kids Camp
@ Transcendence Connects (service projects)
@ Transcendence Experiences
@ Skits Under The Stars
Designed the conservatory musical theatre curriculum and led the first year-round education programming at TTC. This included multiple 12-week programs and Kids Camps. Nick directed devised musical theatre pieces with:
* 20 Middle Schoolers around societal gender bias called FANTASTALICIOUS
*30 High Schoolers around the concept of literary and cultural (s)heroes not overcoming their adversity called SAY YES – songs written in collaboration with Will Reynolds (2019 Fred Ebb Award Winner)
*30 Elementary students around healthy friendships called NO
*30 Elementary students around overcoming adversity called SEAS OF LIFE.

HeART Without Borders
Artistic Director
Musical Theatre Performance Workshop
Dance Classes
Private Voice
Co-Designer of curriculum for year round conservatory style dance classes
Designer/Teacher of a 10-week Musical Theatre Conservatory for Tweens
Taught Private Voice to High School Students

Hanna Institute
Program Director for:
*Sonoma Charter School (Tk-5th)
*Toddler and Me (Tk)
*Youth Voices (9th-12th)
*Equity In Education (K-12)
*Resilient Community Schools (5th-8th)
*Quarterly film series
*National HIspanic Heritage Month Celebration
*Quarterly Social Justice Speaker Series
On top of managing multiple teaching cohorts and programs, Nick designed curriculum and led Trauma Informed Care continuum trainings for multiple school districts, Sonoma County Office of Education, non-profits, and more.
These topics include, but are not limited to:
Trauma Informed Care 101, Advanced Trauma Informed Care, Psychological First Aid, Arts Integration, Healing Centered Engagement, Restorative Practices, ACEs, Rainbowdance (ECE), and more.